Increase Business Visibility By Embracing Fear

business visibility

Just wanting change isn’t enough; you have to take over and stop being afraid. These were the words of Sanna Marin, Finland’s youngest ex-prime minister. 

I stopped the scroll in the dim lighting of 6 am as I watched Sanna donned in her regalia giving a presentation at New York University.  

The thing that resonated with me was that simply wanting change isn’t enough. 

And the reason that this is significant for you is the change you are seeking for yourself requires action. 

Because simply saying you want change also isn’t enough. 

The only way to Increase business visibility is by embracing fear and voting strongly for the change you wish to see in yourself.

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Voting for change to increase business visibility

Here’s how I’ve voted for change recently, and while unrelated to business, it highlights a part of us that can be easy to accept and ignore if we let it. 

I recently visited the doctor to get a few niggly things checked out, and as I was awaiting my test results, I got a text message on a Friday evening with the words, “Your doctor wants to see you; please come in between 9 am and midday”. No further context.

For someone who hasn’t had a life-changing experience like cancer, this might have been water off a duck’s back. But for me, this was raw and real and took me right back to the place I once was 12 years ago, awaiting test results. 

So I suffered in silence for three whole days until I saw the doctor again the following week, on Tuesday. 

The first visit to see the doctor had taken a 5-hour wait, and this time I wasn’t all that pleased to have to wait that long again. 

I was told it was going to be just half an hour as I was going to be seen straight by the doc. 

Okay fine. Half an hour, an hour, an hour and a half later, I was still waiting. 

When I eventually saw the doc, I was given the news that I needed to take some meds. 

Now to my mind, it wasn’t so much the long wait but that there was such a lack of supportive messaging to go with the text message on a Friday evening, and the result was anti-climatic (yes, I am relieved!).

When I broached the lack of supportive messaging in the text message to the doctor, it was initially brushed off as being part of the process. 

But I believe processes can be changed if it means better outcomes for people’s overall well-being. 

So while the answer initially was, sorry, this is just the process, something I said clearly stuck because the next week, my scan results went through to the same doctor.

This time the text was reassuring, was addressed directly to me, and even went so far as to let me know that there was no further action needed. 

We’re sometimes ‘in the system,’ and so we take things at face value because it’s the way it has always been. Who am I to change this or the system? I’m too small, or I cannot make a difference.

But the point is that my words did matter, my voice was heard, and I got the supportive message I wanted in my next message. 

So my message for you today is, are you asking for what you want, and are you letting your voice be heard in the way people need to hear from you? 

In other words, are you ready to take action toward Increasing Business Visibility by embracing fear? 

Because for many, the pain of staying the same might outdo the pain of change, and if merely wanting change is not enough and you are ready to take action, then access my free training below on visibility which might be the nudge you need to get started. 

So grab a cuppa and vote for change to increase business visibility by embracing the fear and stepping out. 

May your “journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step” (Lao Tzu) with a vote for change.

A change for yourself. 

Here are also three ways to help build confidence with visibility.


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