Are you ready to throw a brick at the content preachers thrashing the word consistency like it’s a pināta at a 5-year-old’s birthday party? Well, it’s about time we talked about unlocking content consistency with the power of a cadence-first simplicity-driven approach.
I’ve been watching and observing on the sidelines in groups, targeted on social media, and hearing the chatter in my inbox from all the experts, including those I highly regard about consistency. The issue for content newbs is that no one actually talks about how exactly to get that coveted consistency.
So whether you’re into Harry Styles or Elton John, it’s like a celebrity singer saying, “Hey, this gig’s easy. All I have to do is write a few songs, belt them out, and rock up on stage”. But that would be simplifying it down just a tad, wouldn’t you think? For someone as talented as a stage performer, it takes years to perfect the craft with a grit-driven, inconsistency fuelled, cadence-finding approach that leads to eventual consistency.
The problem is that are too many people who have gotten into their content groove already without breaking down what it takes to get that consistency that everyone talks about.
So here is the roadmap to follow to get you to be consistent with an inconsistent-first approach. In other words, first be inconsistent with a vision of moving toward consistency. This will be harder to achieve if you are currently a side hustler, in your main business branching into online, or an expert learning the marketing ropes, because of the learning curve associated with it.
Get clear on your overarching strategy before striving for content consistency
To create cadence, you need first to know where you’re headed.
To know where you are headed, you must understand what outcome you can get for your clients.
If you want to know how to create a specific outcome, get in touch about whether the gateway program is right for you. Gateway is a four-week program that uses a problem-solution framework that aligns your strengths and stage of business with the outcome you can get for your clients, even if you are just getting started, have never created a course before, or are not sure where to start.
Once you understand the specific outcome, you can reverse engineer all the things they need to know to understand your product with the solution seekers.
It’s a journey from taking them from being solution aware of needing a service or a product and helping to position your product in front of solution-seeking people looking for a specific outcome that you happen to offer.
This way, you have a higher vision and purpose of knowing what to do with all this content, so you are leading with purpose, and each post has a purpose of driving your prospects closer to your product.

Create a sustainable content plan
Sustainability in a content plan is mapping time and available resources with a content strategy that is right for your stage of the business.
Without being able to sustain a low-effort, low-complexity plan, getting to consistency will feel more like being on a content hamster wheel than a content groove.
Which leads to overwhelm and giving up.
This video shows you how to use a simplicity-based approach using AI to help you get started. Using AI as a content helper rather than leaning on it entirely to create all your content will help keep your content authentic and sounding like you.
So pick the point of lowest effort for you by first determining how much time you have in a week, what resources are available to help you create content, what stage of the business or new route in your business you are in, the revenue you are currently making and whether you can afford to hire someone consistently, your experience with marketing and the level of expertise in your own industry. If you mark yourself lower in most of these categories, start with just one piece of content each week.
If you are not sure what to say or write and you are just getting started, download the three-phase framework for message mining.
The three-phase framework will help you build out the exact language that your ideal customer is using, even if you have no clients yet.
Build a roadmap for establishing a cadence toward content consistency
This basically is setting a regular time in your calendar each week for 2-4 hours at minimum and could end up being more like 6-8 hours developing your weekly core content. It will take this long initially, but once you get started, it will become easier.
This is why starting small is best and why committing to just doing one thing after you have established where you are heading and created an outcome is the best way to get started.
Repeat this process and commit to the content cadence for at least four weeks before reviewing and adding in other channels, creative assets such as canva designed posts, carousel designs, story templates, and other tools in your toolkit and broadening your reach.
You can also completely deconstruct this and start messy, but know that you will always come back to the same place, and that is to first start with an outcome-based approach to creating content if you want your messaging to land.
If you want a messaging guide to help you get started, download the three-phase framework to nail your messaging.
Layer it up once cadence is achieved for content consistency
Once you have mastered having content cadence, you can reassess your time by having made some gains through efficiency and speed in creating content with a purpose.
By establishing cadence first and giving yourself time to work through it, you will get faster and free up time to add and layer other elements like channels and creative assets, building towards getting a wider reach.
The power of a cadence-first, simplicity-driven approach to unlocking content consistency will not only make creating content more enjoyable but also set you up for success rather than disappointment.
If you want to know how to build a purpose-driven, outcome-based approach to crafting an irresistible offer with a specific outcome, get in touch to find out whether the Gateway program is right for you.