The power of saying yes for success in entrepreneurship.
“I never refuse a good offer” was something I used to hear from my dad between an exchange that sounded something like “Do you want a coffee or a tea? What about a biscuit?” It was always “I never refuse a good offer”
There was no grand businessy advice or wise words of wisdom being exchanged. Still, even within the mundaneness of the everyday exchanges, the possibility of a reward was being imprinted in saying yes to a good offer.
And saying yes to more than saying no is how I have arrived at where I am today. From having no course, no coaching program, and no membership to all three within 6 months. Built up from leaning into my existing skills.
But this isn’t a story of how I leaned into my expertise, anticipated problems, and turned them into solutions.
This is about how there is power in saying yes even before success is attained and how by doing that, you open the door to more possibilities.
But be warned, the start and finish is not a linear upward trajectory on a graph but a series of ups and downs with a line trending upwards.
But it’s in the downward trend where most people decide to quit unless your only option is to say yes. Yes, keep going; there is something better on the horizon.
What got me thinking was when I happened to stumble upon a thread by Alex Hormozi who was talking about the three things his dad said to him growing up as a child, which got me thinking about what my dad said to me.

The penny dropped when I realized that subliminally I have been primed to say yes to more challenges and opportunities over essentially a cup of tea. That is what it really boils down to.
So how do you get started with greater impact, legacy, and outcomes even when you are just starting out?
The first for me was picking a niche. Because let’s face it, haven’t we heard that before?
And I picked one without overthinking because I needed to start somewhere, so I picked real estate marketing.
I had got quite a bit of experience behind me, learning about everything from trust laws in a specific country I was in at the time to how to make sound real estate investing decisions and the way to ladder up on the real estate wealth creation journey.
It was pragmatic that I leaned into my existing knowledge, and then I decided to pick a group of people. The natural choice was real estate agents.
The problem was that, at that time, I did not have one specific outcome that I could help provide real estate agents with. I was trying to help them with social media content creation when all everyone wanted was just leads on a platter.
There was no clear connection between why creating social media content was going to be beneficial to them getting leads.
So I needed to create a clearly defined offer, which I didn’t initially.
But I needed to accept that than agonize over the failure because that is the journey of entrepreneurship.
You must be ready to test and learn as you go and adapt and pivot if something isn’t working. And you must, absolutely must develop an offer first
In the words of Alex Hormozi
Stack pieces of evidence that give you proof that you are who you say you are.
It starts with not overthinking things which is the enemy of action.
Because having the courage to fail fast, test, learn and iterate kept me going.
It also starts with not letting fear override the wonder of possibility, and it is about saying yes to more than saying no.
Saying yes to training, courses, and people with the expertise and the knowledge to guide you to get to the level you aspire to be at.
Saying yes to the next three things you need to achieve. It can be easy to look at the whole staircase when all you need to look at is the next three steps ahead.
But saying yes can also be about the possibility of believing that something is possible, that it’s achievable and within reach.
From having no idea about how to start a business to hosting my first course, coaching program, and then membership all within 6 months, was built on the foundation of possibility rather than having it all worked out and perfectly laid out by an expert. Sure, I had a framework given to me by my mentor, but the implementation was 100% me. At the end of the day, no one will be as invested in your business as you are.
Entrepreneurship already comes with such a massive set of challenges that you don’t need to make it even harder on yourself by limiting the range of possibilities that could exist if you let your mind just wander to the possibilities that you could unlock.
So lean into your experience and then commit to saying yes to yourself because the only one to bet on you is yourself.