There are only two things separating you from success with getting started.
One is the ability to manage attention in the age of distraction and the second is your mindset.
I hear people say I don’t have enough time. I’m too busy. I’m juggling so many things.
It’s not that you don’t have time but that you don’t have focus.
But to have focus, you must know what is more important to focus on so that you are not distracted.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) the online business world is full of distractions.
That is both an opportunity and a challenge. On the other hand you have offers and courses that can help you right now to get you from where you are, to where you want to be.
Then there are others that you can get to one day, knowing that you have them in your list of resources.
Decisions are made in a split second of a timer waiting for you to purchase a mastermind with the doors closing in 48 hours, 24 hours, 10 hours, 4, 2 …
Before you know it, you’ve just purchased your fourth course and now you are overwhelmed with a bevvy of choices.
4 months later and you’ve only had time for 1 of them.
But wait “I don’t have time” because really I was looking at all those other courses while doing that one course too.
We’ve all been there and it’s easy to get into that mode without knowing what exact steps you need to take to get you from point A to point B.
The decisions you need to make as an established business owner versus one who is just starting out are similar but different.
Similar once you have ironed out the first two steps that is.
It all starts with nailing the offer

With new businesses in the coaching or consulting space, you have to first work out what you are going to offer and is that offer aligned with the needs of the market.
How big is that need?
Is it over-saturated?
Such as if there is too much noise and competition?
or are you able to find the sweet spot of offering someone an outcome that is not only desired by your ideal clients, but after solving the one problem for them, there will be a series of further problems that need solving?
How is that aligned with the problems that people are facing? Is it a nice-to-have or a ‘I need it badly this instant’.
If you are an existing business owner who wants to have an online presence, it’s then about learning about how to articulate your existing skills and expertise in a way that will resonate with people online.
Because a distracted person does not have time for a lot of information.
They want the information bite sized so that they can get the mini win they are hoping for.
Because it’s one thing to have a thriving one-on-one business but it’s quite another to deliver all that you know into bite sized bits of information that people will actually want to consume online without getting overwhelmed.
The two commonalities here are getting focussed on either defining your offers first or finding out how to articulate your offers in a way that makes sense to people without overwhelming them.
And the best way to retain that attention is by giving them the one thing they need to do, rather than everything you know.
Which is why in this 9 step roadmap, you will be able to identify exactly where you are at from step 1 to step 9 and then focus on only the steps that you need to do first before you can go ahead.
This roadmap is for someone who is just starting out with their online business journey and it looks like this:
- Find a match between your skills and the need in the market
- Research the market on that need
- Develop a messaging bank with the research
- Create a useful offer to match the need
- Develop a value statement in relation to the offer
- Create a useful guide to match the offer
- Create content around the guide and offer
- Create a batch of seed content that aligns with your offer
- Promote the seed content and start creating and engaging to get the first 100 email sign ups to the guide without paid ads.
Download the detailed roadmap on each step from here based on if you fit the road map above.
The roadmap for someone already in business but wanting an online business offer and it looks like this:
- Define your offer
- Conduct market research from your clients or customers
- Develop a messaging bank with the research
- Create a useful offer to match the need based on your research
- Develop a value statement in relation to the offer
- Create a useful guide to match the offer
- Create content around the guide and offer
- Create a batch of seed content that aligns with your offer
- Promote the seed content and start creating and engaging to get the first 100 email sign ups to the guide without paid ads.
Download the roadmap with details on each step from here based on if you fit the road map above.
Simply put, to have focus, you must know what is the most important thing for you to do RIGHT now and not 5 steps down the road.
Which is why when you are building your visibility from the ground up, you want to start from step number 1, which is getting clear on how you articulate your offer in an online business setting.
Because clarity breeds confidence
Once there is clarity, you are more enthusiastic about sharing your voice and articulating your thoughts about your offer without sounding salesy but coming from a genuine place of service and love for what you do.
And by loving what you do, it will come through in the way you speak on camera on social media and through in your static posts as well.
Without wasting time creating random content that goes nowhere.
So take that first step and download the 9 step roadmap to building confidence to be seen from one of the two options below: